Shopping Barriers

Fitting-rooms which are not in compliance with the law as to interior accessibility and which are also inaccessible in terms of getting to the fitting-rooms at all.

Fitting-rooms  which are being used as stockrooms.

Main aisle paths of travel too narrow and/or blocked by merchandise displays.

Non-compliant restrooms, elevators, telephones, water fountains, gift registries, gift wrapping and check-out counters.

Sales/service counters without a lowered section.

Inadequate signage, lack of audio-visual strobe alarms, etc., etc., etc.

If you have had enough of any of the above (and find it completely exacerbated during seasonal sales periods) let us know of your experiences. Together with disabled advocacy groups from other parts of the country, we are widening the circle and filing Class Actions against those merchandisers who refuse to comply with the ADA until we bring them to Federal Court. There are several leading chains which do comply quite well, so we know it can be done without any hardship.

We have a civil right to shop throughout all areas of stores and to be able to view the displayed merchandise in an unimpeded way. We need plaintiffs from all over the country, BUT if you don’t want to be a plaintiff, just tell us about your experiences and, if we file a Class Action against any of those stores, we will contact you and, with your permission, prepare an Affidavit about those experiences, which will be filed in Court. You would be merely telling the Court of your experiences and adding to the number of people who are taking action against the violation of their civil rights. If you do choose to join us as a plaintiff, please bear in mind that you may be required to testify in person or by deposition. Either way, as either a plaintiff or a complainant, you would incur no liability.